Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice – webinar – 3.7.2023

Registration is now open for the webinar (in English) organised by OpenAIRE on the Horizon Europe requirements for Open Science.
The webinar will present the requirements of the HE programme, followed by a session with invited experts from OpenAIRE.
The main tools and services provided by OpenAIRE to help project coordinators and research support staff to meet the requirements will also be presented.
Date and time: 3 July 2023, 12:00 CET (duration: 90 minutes).
Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lgM1fCN-SxyidzZqSrClZw#/registration
For any questions, please contact Athina Papadopoulou Engagement & Events Coordinator OpenAIRE athina.papadopoulou(atinac)openaire.eu