Open science – Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences (LCAS)

Open access to results and data has been a trend in the EU in recent years, which is gradually coming to the Czech Republic. Open access promotes the preservation, verification or wider use of outputs/results and data from research and development in practice or in follow-up research (even in another field). It accelerates the achievement of outputs/results and significantly supports innovation. Open access also contributes to transparency and control of the use of public resources, and increases quality, trust and creativity in research. Finally, it is gradually making its way into legislation and into the requirements of funders.

Our sevices

We offer consutation on Open Science, creating OS policies, DMP and repositories.

We offer training on creating DMPS in FAIR Wizard.

We provide access to this tool for creating DMPs.

Useful information


  • FDO Workshop – The EPOS Research Infrastructure

    When: 7 April 2024 15.00 – 17.00Where: Zoom link FAIR Digital Objects Forum is hosting a workshop aimed at introducing the practical challenges and pitfalls that can be faced when you try to create integrated “Dataspaces”. Daniele Bailo and Jan Michalák […]

  • OpenAIRE webinar – Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice

    When: 14.3. 2025 12:00 – 13:30Where: Zoom Do you have any concerns or questions about your obligations as a Horizon Europe (HE) grant holder regarding open access to publications and research data management? HE requirements will be presented and then there will be […]

  • OP JAK: Methodological interpretation – Open Science

    The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT) has published a Methodological interpretation of the Rules for Applicants, clarifying the requirements related to Open Science. This interpretation applies to the OP JAK calls Intersectoral Cooperation and Intersectoral Cooperation for ITI, […]

  • Conference: Perspektivy datového managementu a stewardshipu v české vědě (cze)

    When: 18 March 2025, 10:00-14:30 Where: Akademické konferenční centrum, Husova 4a, Praha 1 Czech Social Science Data Archive (ČSDA) organizes a workshop Perspektivy datového managementu a stewardshipu v české vědě (held only in Czech) focusing on the rapidly evolving agenda of […]