Webinar on Open Science – APUA (cze)

When: 18 and 25 October 2024, 10:00-12:00

Where: online

As part of the Association of University Workers (APUA), M. Růžička and M. Bartošek from the MUNI Open Science team are organizing a microcycle of two webinars on Open Science, mainly for university secretaries, science managers at universities and other applicants.

V rámci Asociace pracovníků univerzit (APUA) pořádají M. Růžička a M- Bartošek z Open Science týmu MUNI mikrocyklus dvou dvouhodinových on-line seminářů o Open Science, primárně pro tajemníky vysokých škol, manažery vědy na VŠ, ale i další zájemce.

Open Science v širších souvislostech (Open science in broarder context) – 18 October 2024, Miroslav Bartošek, Jiří Marek

This webinar will introduce the participants to open science and open access, EOSC and its implementation in the Czech Republic and support of open science at universities. You can find the program of the webinar and registration here.

Data a software v Open Science (Data and software in open science) – 25. 10. 2024, Michal Růžička

This follow-up webinar will be focused on reserach data in the context of open science, FAIR principles, data management and the role of software in data management. You can find the program of the webinar and registration here.

APUA is an independent association of university employers in the Czech Republic. Its aim is to create an effective profesional platform for increasing the competitiveness of Czech universities in the European context. APUA focuses on education in the area of management and developement of universities, creates space for sharing experiences in those fields and supports networking with foreign universities and institutions.

RNDr. Miroslav Bartošek, CSc. is the head of Open Science department at Ústav výpočetní techniky, MUNI.

RNDr. Michal Růžička, Ph.D. is the head of the department for data management and Open Science at Ústav výpočetní techniky, MUNI.