The Galaxy Community Conference
Galaxy is a free open-source system for data analysis, workflow development, training and education, publishing tools, infrastructure management and more.
The annual Galaxy Community Conference, which focuses on the use and development of this platform for biomedical research, will take place in Brno on 24-27th June this year. The conference brings together scientists, software developers and Galaxy trainers from different disciplines to share their experience, knowledge and skills. Live community presentations are a major part of the conference. All abstracts of presentations participants are submitted in advance and go through the review process of the scientific committee (post-deadline,15th April). An electronic version of the abstracts will be available after the end of the conference.
To actively participate at the conference, a fee (460-920 EUR) is required upon registration here.
The conference can also be watched online for a lower entry fee (50 EUR), but only prezentations in the main hall will be available virtually and access to the tutorials, BoF or posters/demonstrations won’t be.
For more information about the conference, visit their website here.