The Library of the CAS, provides access to the AV CR FAIR Wizard service for anyone interested from the CAS. FAIR Wizard is an online service for easy creation of a data management plan (DMP) – it is a stand-alone instance of the open source tool Data Stewardship Wizard operated by Codevence Solutions, s.r.o.
This tool automatically assesses the degree of fulfilment of the FAIR Principles and other metrics during completion, with accompanying explanatory comments from, for example, the review publication MONS, B. Data stewardship for open science: implementing FAIR principles. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, [2018], ISBN 978-1-4987-5317-3. Individual topic chapters from the Research Data Management Kit (RDMkit) are also linked to the questions.
Most of the questions are thus linked to external resources, explaining in detail their specific purpose and the rationale for their relationship to good data management. The user is thus “guided” in the creation of the DMP and through the prevalent questions with predefined answer choices and is freed from having to “write” another appendix to the project documentation.
It is also possible to develop pre-populated templates in the tool to facilitate the creation of other DMPs at the same institution, research team or research facility. The system of closed questions (selection from predefined answers) and the link to standards such as, in addition to the above, also allows for future easy evaluation of completed DMPs and therefore optimization of internal processes.
Manual for using the AV CR FAIR Wizard tool:
1. Support for the creation of DMPs at the CAS
Obligations of the CAS employees on how to proceed with the acquisition, storage and use of research data are regulated by individual CAS Institutes independently. For up-to-date information on the possibilities of support and obligations in relation to data and the creation of DMPs at individual departments, it is advisable to contact the contact person – List of experts in Open Science at the departments of the CAS.
For questions and comments on the FAIR Wizard tool, suggestions for the development of this tool, modification of the questionnaire and creation of targeted templates, please contact the Open Science Department of the Library of the CAS.
1.1. LCAS – support for the creation of DMPsP
The Library of the CAS provides access to the AV CR – FAIR Wizard service for anyone from the CAS. The Library recommends this service as a suitable tool for the preparation of DMPs. The chosen technical solution – a questionnaire application based largely on closed questions – enables:
- machine operability,
- automatic evaluation of monitored metrics (FAIR, Good DMP Practice, Openness),
- creation of different versions of DMPs for each project phases (e.g. before, during and at the end of the project),
- the creation of pre-prepared templates simplifying the creation of further DMPs by departments and research teams,
- exporting the final document to the form required by the various funders,
- in case of demand, the possibility of creating a Czech version responding to the requirements of Czech funders (currently Czech funders refer to the Horizon Europe template and accept its form).
2. AV CR FAIR Wizard
The FAIR Wizard is a standalone instance of the Data Stewardship Wizard, an open source tool created and developed into production form in the ELIXIR project for more systematic management of research data.
2.1. Login:
Access from the:
It is possible to register with your employee email or use eduID – Shibboleth to log in with your institutional login.
2.1.1. Interface of the main pages
Once you have created a user account, you can start using the tool. You will automatically be logged in under the “Dashboard” tab in the Data Management Planner interface, where you can see your recent projects and an icon to create a new project.
In the second “Projects” tab of the Data Management Planner, you will find a list of all the projects you have created. To the right above the list of projects you have an icon to quickly switch to create projects/DMPs. You can also search the list of projects by various filters (name, creation date, update date, project tags, knowledge model and by user). You will only see other users’ projects that are public. To see them, you need to click on the icon with your account name and then click on your account again in the expanded list of users to remove it from the selected ones.
In the top bar, there is a square icon next to the CAS Fair Wizard logo that toggles the interfaces of the main pages – Data Management Planner, Admin Center, and User Guide (complete instructions).
In the Admin Center interface, the “Dashboard” tab provides examples of completed projects in various document templates. You will also find a link to the complete tutorial (“Learn about FAIR Wizard”) and an icon (“Get started”) to quickly switch to DMP/project creation.
In the next tab “User Groups” in the Admin Center interface you can scroll through the list of created user groups with different access permissions (public or private – if you are a member). You can sort the list alphabetically, or search directly by name.
2.1.2. User Groups
In FAIR Wizard you have the possibility to create User Groups with which you can share your projects/DMPs in bulk. Sharing projects can be useful within research teams, lab teams and scientists themselves, or groups of scientists representing individual institutions.
If you have created a new group, you automatically have the role of group owner. He/she can add or remove additional members at any time and also change/expand their functions from member to owner within the group.
Creating a public User Group
To create a new public group, you must first switch the main site interface to the Admin Center and then click on the “Create” icon via the User Groups tab. Then enter the name, description, members and access permissions of the group (public or private) and click the “Create” icon. For better clarity in the User Groups list, always enter “institute abbreviation – any group name” in the public group name. To give you an idea, the group name might look like this: ‘KNAV – test new Open Science Department group’. If the name of a group does not contain the abbreviation of the institute before the arbitrary name, the name will be corrected by the administrators of the Library of the CAS. Finally, check the level of accessibility – for public groups, do not click on the “Private” icon.Your group is now visible to all users in the FAIR Wizard. Everyone can view an overview of the members in that group.
The Library of the CAS continually updates the list of individual FAIR Wizard users and sorts them systematically into public user groups by CAS department.
If you need help with creating User Groups, please contact us via email: dmp(at) or openscience(at)
Private User Group creation
To create a new private group, you must first switch the main site interface to the Admin Center and then click on the “Create” icon via the User Groups tab. Then enter a name, description, members and access permissions for the group – click on the “Private” icon and then the “Create” icon.
For these private groups, there is no need to maintain consistency in group names, as they do not appear in the list for others besides the group members.
2.2. Creating a new project:
To create a new project, click the create button.
You can create your DMP as a Researcher using a predefined template (tab from “Project Template”).
- The templates are partially completed DMPs that should make it easier for researchers to create their own DMP.
- For example, it can be a template DMP for a department, laboratory or project that contains pre-filled repetitive data (grant number, investigator names, data storage location, etc.) that will usually be the same across multiple DMPs prepared by a given user group.
- The Project template can be created from any DMP by users with the “Data Steward” role or higher role. If you need to create a template for your project, group or department, please contact Open Science Support at KNAV.
- When creating a new DMP, always choose a name that makes your DMP easily recognizable. It is recommended that the name of the DMP includes, for example, the acronym of the project for which you are preparing the DMP.
2.2.1. Choosing a Project template for DMP in Life Sciences disciplines (STM)
It is recommended to use these templates to create DMPs for STM disciplines (first and second science area at CAS):
Life Sciences DSW template – basic template
Life Sciences DSW template – Horizon Europe filter – a template adapted for data management in life sciences with respect to Horizon Europe funders
To become familiar with data management and discover best practices in life sciences, we recommend the Research Data Management toolkit for Life Sciences developed by the ELIXIR scientific community.
Examples of DMPs created by institutional DSW at Masaryk Univesity:
- DMP Example: Alliance for Life Sciences: From Strategies to Actions in Central and Eastern Europe (A4L_ACTIONS)
- DMP Example: Investigating the transcriptional regulation of auxin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis embryo (ITRABAE)
- DMP Example: Genetic and Community Diversity for Plant Stress Resilience (GENCOVER)
- DMP Example: Integration of RNA Biology for Next-Generation Scientists (INTEG-RNA)
- DMP Example: VŠCHT DMP Example – DSW-Horizon Europe
2.2.2. Choosing a Project Template for DMP in Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) disciplines
It is recommended to use these templates to create DMPs for HSS disciplines (third science area at CAS):
Common DSW template – basic template
Common DSW template – Horizon Europe filter – template that has been customised to manage HSS data with respect to Horizon Europe funders
AV ČR – SSH šablona – CSDA – CSDA template for social sciences and humanities in Czech language
CAS – template for SSH – CSDA – template for social sciences and humanities according to CSDA in English language
To become familar with data management and discover best practices in social sciences, we recommend the Data Management Expert Guide (DMEG) developed by CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives) and ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium).
Example of DMP created by institutional DSW at Masaryk Univesity:
2.2.3. Universal template and template customization
Šablona pro GAČR cz/eng – Horizon Europe DMP – Bilingual cz/eng template for GAČR projects implemented into AV ČR FAIR Wizard by colleagues from Library of Czech Academy of Sciences. Questions are taken from Horizon Europe template. Translation is done by NTK. It is a simple template form with open questions and limited choice of final document.
It is possible to create project templates more focused on a particular research area (adding specific questions, omitting redundant questions for your scientific field, etc.). If you are interested in such modifications and better targeting, please contact Open Science Support at KNAV.
2.3. Before you start the questionnaire
2.3.1. Sharing
The DMP can be shared with collaborators. Simultaneous editing is also possible, similar to Microsoft Office 365 or Google Docs documents.
Sharing with specific collaborators from the CAS
You can share with persons from the CAS (registered in this service) by selecting the user account in the “Users” section. It is easiest to search by email or user name. If you do not see the user in the list, they probably do not have an account in the system yet. Ask him/her to log in to the AV CR FAIR Wizard or share the DMP using the link (see below).
Sharing with User Groups from the CAS
You can share projects with specific User Groups, either public or private. If you are looking for your department’s public group and do not see it listed, it probably does not yet have an account due to the low number of FAIR Wizard users from that institute.
Sharing with all users
In case you choose the “Visible to all logged-in users” option, you will share your DMP to all logged-in users.
We strongly advise against using this option. DMPs shared in this way are visible to all logged-in users in the Projects section. The AV CR FAIR Wizard has many users from different institutes and it is very likely that for a large number of them, a DMP shared in this way will be irrelevant and will only unnecessarily clutter the user’s DMP list.
Please use other options “sharing with specific people” or a “public link” instead.
Sharing via “public link”
You can share the DMP with anyone on the Internet, i.e. also with persons without affiliation to the CAS, by creating a public link in the “Public link” section. When using this option, choose carefully the permission level (see below) and the range of people to whom you make the link available.
2.3.2. Sharing permission levels
When sharing, you have a choice of several permission levels:
- View – Reader: The users can only view the DMP, they cannot make any changes or comment on the content.
- Comment – Commenter. The users can not make changes to the content, but can add comments to individual items.
- Edit – Contributor: The users can view, edit and comment on the DMP.
- Manage – Owner: The owner of the DMP who can view, edit, comment and manage sharing of the content.
After setting up the sharing, be sure to save the settings by clicking the “Save” button.
2.3.3. The Project Phase
The AV CR FAIR Wizard gives you a hint on which questions from the questionnaire guide to focus on as a priority based on the stage your project is at. Based on the project phase selected in the Current Phase section (see top left of the following figure), the AV CR FAIR Wizard highlights the questions relevant to that phase in red and the less relevant ones in grey (see right part of the following figure). The number of important but uncompleted questions in each section of the Survey Wizard is shown by the number after the section title; a blue tick indicates that all priority questions in that section have already been completed (see bottom left of the following figure).
3. Completing the questionnaire
The DMP is completed in the AV CR FAIR Wizard using a questionnaire guide that takes you step-by-step through the various aspects of data management. To this end, the questionnaire is divided into several chapters that collect thematically similar questions.
For each chapter and question, help texts and links to relevant resources are provided.
There are two types of questions in the questionnaire, depending on the stage of your project:
- Priority questions – These are relevant to the project phase; until they are answered, they are marked in red.
- Other questions – Marked in grey.
- Answered questions are marked in green.
Questions may require several types of answers:
- Brief free text answer.
- Longer free text answer.
- A choice from a list of options.
The AV CR FAIR Wizard works on the principle of a guide. Therefore, some options may be marked with a menu icon. If you select an option without a menu icon, the question is answered; selecting an answer with a menu icon will expand the advanced options (branch/set of additional sub-questions)..
- Adding more items.
Some questions allow you to add multiple answers of the same type. For example, it is possible to indicate funding from multiple sources. To add a new answer item click the + “Add” button.
- Selecting an item from the auto-complete menu.
The AV CR FAIR Wizard is linked to various sources of information, e.g. the database, from which information can be drawn for autocompletion.
If you start typing text in an answer field linked to an autocomplete information source, a menu of items from that source corresponding to the text entered so far will appear with a slight delay.
If any of the items on the menu matches, click to complete it.
If none of the offered items fits, continue typing and fill in your own value.
We are working on integration with ASEP and the managed authority base.
A reference to the item in the remote source is also added to the autocompleted item, typically the persistent identifier of the item from the ontology, etc.
If you want to delete a completed answer, you can do so by clicking on the Clear answer button.
You can delete the entire set of answers by clicking on the red bin symbol.
3.1. Chapter I: Administrative information
This chapter lists all persons who contribute to the development or implementation of the DMP. In addition to the persons’ last and first names, the email, the unique permanent identifier of the person ORCID and the affiliation shall be provided.
It is strongly recommended that the unique persistent ORCID person identifier be entered.
The ASEP processor can also enter reserchers person identifiers into the ASEP authority database. If you do not already have an ORCID, you can register one for free at
The affiliation field is linked to the database of ROR institutions, i.e. you can search for an ROR institution directly through the corresponding field of the questionnaire. Search for your institution by name – you will see a menu with a slight delay. Once selected, the name is filled in in the format “Czech Academy of Sciences, Library”, which is based on the recommendations for the format of affiliation in the Academy of Sciences. Do not use the ROR of the Czech Academy of Sciences, it is a general profile containing a list of RORs of individual departments.
The person’s role in the research project is also listed.
The second part of this section is the administrative details of the project – title, acronym, start and end of the project, funding sources, etc.
The third part of the chapter is information on whether additional staff capacity and software and hardware beyond that available at the site is needed to carry out the DMP. For options and recommendations for data repositories at the CAS, please see the relevant section of the CAS Open Science website. If you require further assistance, please contact Open Science support at your department or the LCAS.
3.2. Chapter II: Using existing data
It is good practice to check all possibilities for reusing existing available data, whether created by you in an earlier project or data from other research teams. This includes reusable data that was created for the earlier project, as well as so-called ‘reference data’.
If you do not use any existing data, you do not need to fill in this section. If you do use existing data, pay close attention to its license or other conditions of use. Be especially cautious when using data from medicine and other life sciences, or from HSS fields such as psychology, etc., where you may come into contact with personal data, sensitive data, etc. The use of such data may be subject to specific treatment indicated in the terms of use.
Please also pay attention to planning an appropriate repository for such data, see the recommendations for selecting an appropriate data repository. If you need to store and share already so-called live data during the project, we recommend using the services of the CESNET association (OwnCloud, FileSender, etc.). CESNET provides, among other things, secure data storage in the Czech Republic and other related services.
3.3. Chapter III: Data creation and collection
This chapter describes all the data sources in your project, e.g., data coming directly from your instruments or surveys, etc.; the data may be newly collected as part of your current project, but may also be existing data for which contracts with the data owner are required. It can also be reference data that are part of managed resources and (public) databases. The description of data in this chapter includes: type, format, size, origin and storage, metadata, file and folder organisation, collection. The terminology/ontology of the data is linked here to a database that includes ontologies commonly used in research.
The chapter includes questions on data provenance – data created by specific research instruments, data sensitivity and data owner. The aim of this section is to draw your attention to different aspects of working with data through its lifecycle in a research project. If you do not know the answer to any of these questions, it may indicate that you do not have a complete plan for working with the data at some stage of the project, or that the terms of ownership and redistribution of the data are not clear, etc.
For consultation, please contact Open Science support at your department or the KNAV.
3.4. Chapter IV: Data processing
In this chapter, the questions focus on the computing and storage environment that is used to process the data and make it available for interpretation by the project partners. Some of these questions (e.g. about workflow systems and data provenance) are also relevant to the work in the interpretation phase. Means of protecting data from loss are also explored, thinking about the consequences of possible leakage into unauthorised hands, breaches of data integrity, etc.
Whether personal data or data of an otherwise sensitive nature are the subject of the processing and the plan for protecting such data are also important considerations.
3.5. Chapter V: Interpretation of data
Data interpretation is one of the last steps of data processing (often with manual intervention), visualization and integration. The questions in this chapter focus on data interoperability.
3.6. Chapter VI: Data storage
This chapter addresses issues related to data publishing and long-term archiving. You will verify that you have established a plan for secure data preservation beyond the end of the project, both from a technical and business model perspective, including planning for retention times, requirements for controlled data shredding, etc.
3.6.1. CAS selecting of repository
- Institutional repository of the CAS – ASEP.
- General recommendations for choosing the most suitable repository for your data.
- Selecting the most suitable – trusted repository for your research data (OpenAIRE):
- Trusted certified repositories are preferred.
- CoreTrustSeal (list of certified repositories)
- Nestor Seal (verification according to DIN 31644)
- ISO 16363
- But for example the well-known Zenodo has no certification.
- The most used general repositories are
- Trusted certified repositories are preferred.
Repository directories:
- Open Access repositories: OpenDOAR
- Data repositories:
- Recommendations for data management (in the area of life scinces) from ELIXIR RDMkit | Data publication
- EMBL-EBI’s data submission wizard – a tool for selecting an appropriate repository for data (in the life scinces domain).
- ELIXIR Deposition Databases list.
- Subject-specific repositories recommended by the Scientific Data Journal (Nature):
- Biological sciences: Nucleic acid sequence; Protein sequence; Molecular & supramolecular structure; Neuroscience; Omics; Taxonomy & species diversity; Mathematical & modelling resources; Cytometry and Immunology; Imaging; Organism-focused resourcesHealth sciences
- Chemistry and Chemical biology
- Earth, Environmental and Space sciences: Broad scope Earth & environmental sciences; Astronomy & planetary sciences; Biogeochemistry and Geochemistry; Climate sciences; Ecology; Geomagnetism & Palaeomagnetism; Ocean sciences; Solid Earth sciences
- Physics
- Materials science
- Social sciences
- Generalist repositories
3.6.2. Things to look out for when choosing a repository
- Does the repository assign a persistent identifier (e.g. DOI) to your data? Persistent identifiers make your data easier to find and cite.Library of Czech Academy of Sciences is able to assign DOIs to datasets stored directly in the ASEP data repository. Records of datasets stored in other repositories and scientific publications are assigned a persistent identifier handle.
- Is the repository trusted/certified? With certified repositories, you can be more confident that your data is well taken care of.
- Does the selected repository provide open access to the stored data? If you want to share your data openly, this is key information.
- Will the repository provide a metadata landing page for your data? Metadata will help others find the data, find out what it is, and how to cite it.
- Does the repository allow versioning? If you update your dataset, can you upload the updated version as a new version to the original dataset? For example, the new dataset gets assigned its own persistent identifier and users can easily find out what the latest version is or what version was used in the original study.
3.6.3. Relevant resources for storing, sharing and working with live data
CESNET Storage Department
Data storage services are certified compliant with information security management system standard ČSN EN ISO/IEC 27001:2014.
Use cases:
- Environment for backup
- Environment for archiving
- Environment for data sharing
- File synchronization tool and supports data synchronization on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms and on Android and iOS mobile devices.
- Similar to Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc., but running on CESNET infrastructure with higher standard capacity available for “non-paying” users.
- Login via the identity federation.
- The first login to the system is sufficient to create an account.
- Cloud storage of 100 GB per user
- Allows data sharing in groups that the user can set up.
- Allows files to be shared via a web link to anyone you share the link with.
- The data remains in the Czech Republic, CESNET does not acquire any rights to the stored content, it still belongs to the owners of the data.
Complex calculations (Metacentrum)
- The MetaCentrum environment enables the use of connected computing and data resources for solving very demanding computational tasks that are beyond the capabilities of an independent workplace in the Czech Republic. The service is also available to users without the need to input their own resources.
- Grid computing | HPC clouds | platforms (e.g. Hadoop) | 38 000 computing cores | application licenses
- Connecting computing and data resources to solve very demanding computing tasks.
- Wide range of application software.
- Integration into the international research area (ERA) and the international grid infrastructure (EGI).
- MetaCentrum provides and coordinates the operation of the distributed computing infrastructure (National Grid Infrastructure – NGI, which is part of the European Grid Infrastructure – EGI).
3.7. Chapter VII: Access to data
The questions in this chapter deal with openness of data, i.e. how to make it available to other interested parties. Issues of how to make it public, possible embargoes, availability of metadata, etc. are addressed.
4. Additional functions for working with DMP in the AV CR FAIR Wizard
A user with commenter rights or higher can post a comment to each question. Editor comments can only be added and seen by editors and/or project owners.
Use comments to share notes and discuss the topic with colleagues. All comments can be found in the comments panel, where you can easily switch to the particular question commented on.
You can also tag a FAIR Wizard user in a comment after posting by clicking on the person icon with the “Assign comment thread” command. The tagged user will receive an email notification of the tag.
4.2. TODOs
Adding a TODO to a question allows you to mark unanswered questions or those that still need to be edited.
Clicking on + Add TODO takes the question to the TODO panel, which allows easy navigation to all questions marked for finishing.
4.3. Version history
When you click on version history, all versions and edits will be displayed on the right side, including the time and author of the edit.
By clicking on the menu of three vertical dots below the first line of the document version history (the first is the current version of the document), you can name the version of the questionnaire, view the completion status of the version, create a document (export the questionnaire to a DMP document in PDF format, etc.) or return the entire questionnaire to the completion status of this version.
We recommend using the version naming function when a significant milestone in the preparation of the DMP is reached, e.g. the current completion status is used to export the DMP for submission to a funding agency, etc.
The naming of the versions is then also written into the project document template, which you can view via the “Preview” icon in the top menu bar after setting up the document template of your DMP in pdf format.
For better visibility in the version history of your DMP/project, you can click “Named versions only” to view only the versions you name.
4.4. Automatic metrics for FAIR and DMP attributes
FAIR metrics are only displayed for the Common DSW template , Life Sciences DSW template and their derived versions Common DSW template – Horizon Europe filter and Life Sciences DSW template – Horizon Europe filter. For customized templates based on the new Knowledge Models, they will not be displayed by default, but can be inserted when creating them. This applies to AV ČR – SSH šablona – CSDA, or its English version CAS – template for SSH – CSDA, in which there won’t be currently displayed FAIR metrics.
In the Common or Life Sciences templates and their derived versions, answers to some questions are marked with colored FAIR or Openness attribute labels. The assigned colors indicate the degree to which the attribute is populated by the selected question. This is then used by the AV CR FAIR Wizard to automatically calculate overall performance metrics for your DMP – i.e. the degree of fulfilment of each FAIR principle, Openness or compliance with good DMP practice.
These overviews are then available on the Metrics tab, where they can help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your data management plan.
4.5. Project settings in the AV CR FAIR Wizard
The Settings tab in the top bar of the project allows you to change the project settings. You can edit the project description. It is also possible to add labels/tags to the project, i.e. text ” labels”, which can then be used in the project list to filter the search.
After changing the settings, remember to save everything by clicking on the “Save” button.
Using tags can help you more easily organize multiple projects into your own categories. Multiple tags can be assigned to a project.
4.6 Selecting a template for exporting a DMP document
To create a DMP document from a completed form in the FAIR Wizard, you need to select one of the export templates that determine the formatting of the output document. The AV ČR FAIR Wizard contains several predefined templates for DMP export according to the requirements of the most important project calls (e.g. EU Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, etc.).
In the Default document template section it is possible to select which of these templates should be set as the default for the project. The selection of the default output template defines the generated preview. Similarly, in the Default document format section it is possible to select the default export format. The menu of export formats varies according to the selected export template. We recommend selecting PDF or HTML as the default document format, as using this format will allow the document preview to be displayed.
Multiple default Document Template options can be set for these Project Templates: Common DSW template, Life Sciences DSW template, Common DSW template – Horizon Europe filter and Life Sciences DSW template – Horizon Europe filter. But not all existing Project Templates in AV ČR FAIR Wizard have the possibility to be exported in all existing and imported Document Template forms. Chosen form of Document Template depends on chosen Project Template (also with different types of formats). For customized Project Templates based on the existing basic ones – Common or Lifesciences, or completely new ones based on new Knowledge Models, the option to select Document Template is only available as Questionnaire Report and Questionnaire Report AV fork.
Here is the list of all Document Templates in AV ČR FAIR Wizard:
- Horizon Europe DMP Template (HTML; PDF; MS Word document formats)
- Document Template without the form of a completed questionnaire in the AV ČR FAIR Wizard, only information from the answered questions in the questionnaire are displayed.
- Science Europe DMP Template (HTML; PDF; MS Word; MarkDown; LaTeX; OpenDocument formats)
- Document Template without the form of a completed questionnaire in the AV ČR FAIR Wizard, only information from the answered questions in the questionnaire are displayed.
- Horizon 2020 DMP Template (HTML; PDF; MS Word; MarkDown; LaTeX; OpenDocument formats)
- Document Template without the form of a completed questionnaire in the AV ČR FAIR Wizard, only information from the answered questions in the questionnaire are displayed.
- maDMP (RDA DMP Common Standard) Template (JSON; Turtle; RDF/XML; N-Triples; Turtle (no blank nodes); N3; JSON-LD; TriG)
- Document Template with Machine Actionable DMP.
- Questionnaire Report (JSON; PDF; MS Word; HTML; LaTeX; MarkDown document formats)
- Document Template in the form of a completed questionnaire in the AV ČR FAIR Wizard, showing answered and unanswered questions including the questions, displaying the questionnaire chapters and descriptions.
- Questionnaire Report AV fork (JSON; PDF; MS Word; HTML; LaTeX; MarkDown document formats)
- New version/fork of the Questionnaire Report created in Library of the CAS still under development, Document Template in the form of a completed questionnaire in the AV ČR FAIR Wizard, both answered and unanswered questions are displayed including the questions, here the questionnaire chapters and descriptions are no longer displayed.
- GACR document template (PDF; MS Word document formats)
- Document Template created by cooperation of GACR and UVT MUNI without the form of a completed questionnaire in the AV ČR FAIR Wizard, only information from the answered questions in the questionnaire are displayed.
4.7 Other settings
At the end of the Settings page, there are options for migrating the project to a different knowledge model or a different version of the knowledge model. These migrations are most common when a new version of the knowledge model is made available, e.g. expanding the list of questions, refining some answers, etc. The migration is performed using an intuitive wizard that allows to check and, if necessary, manually modify the changes.
The option Delete this Project then allows you to delete the entire project. Note that deleting a project is an irreversible operation.
5. Export of the project in the FAIR Wizard to the final DMP document
For the purpose of submitting the DMP document to the funding agency, etc., it is possible to create a document in various formats (e.g. PDF, HTML, MS Office Word Document, etc.) from the data filled in the form. Documents can be exported from the Documents bookmark.
The formatting of the document follows the template selected in the Template section. AV CR FAIR Wizard contains several predefined templates for exporting DMPs according to the requirements of the most important project calls (e.g. EU Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, etc.).
In the Format section, you can select the export format in which the document will be created. The menu of export formats varies according to the export template you have selected. We recommend selecting PDF as the output format if you will no longer be working with the document.
If you plan to edit the exported document, we recommend selecting MS Office Word document as the output format.
If you need systematic exports in another format, please contact the Open Science Department of the Library of the CAS.
After setting all parameters, click on the “Create” button to create the document.
All created documents remain in the Documents section until you manually delete them (via the Delete button in the menu of three vertical dots). You can search the documents by name and sort the list according to different criteria. The documents are an actual export of the completed questionnaire, so if you subsequently edit the questionnaire further, the content of the previously exported documents will not be affected. If you wish to view the form of the questionnaire from which the document was exported, you can do so via the “View Questionnaire” option from the menu of three vertical dots. From the same menu you can download the document to your device by selecting Download.
Instructions for using the AV CR FAIR Wizard as a Data Steward
6. Activating an account as a Data Steward
In order to use the Data Steward role in the software provided by the AV ČR FAIR Wizard, you need to have an account. You will automatically be assigned to the Researcher role when you register.
If you would like to apply for the Data Steward role in this tool, please contact us via email: dmp(at) Your current account will be upgraded to the Data Steward role through the administrator.
7. Orientation in the main menu
After logging into FAIR Wizard, you will automatically see the “Dashboard” tab in the Data Management Planner interface. You can switch the interface of the main pages using the square icon next to the CAS Fair Wizard logo, which you can find in the top bar. It toggles the interfaces of the main pages – Data Management Planner, Admin Center, Integration Hub, and User Guide (full tutorial).
7.1 Data Management Planner
7.1.1 Overview
In the Data Management Planner interface, you also edit the Knowledge Model, Document Template and Project Template roles in contrast to the Researcher role. On the main page you will find quick links to create or import them. In the “Projects” tab, you will see Project Templates among other projects.
7.1.2 Knowledge models
In the Knowledge Models tab you can see a list of all models in the “List” section. You can filter among them by name or date of creation. In the right corner you will find the “Import” icon, which is used to import models from the Registry or from a file into the FAIR Wizard instance. In the “Editors” section you see a list of Knowledge Models where you can edit and create them. In your role as Data Steward , you can only create/edit Knowledge Models in the AV ČR FAIR Wizard testing instance, which you can request access to at dmp(at) For more information on creating Knowledge Models, see Chapter 8.
7.1.3 Document templates
In the Document Templates tab, you will find a “List” of available document templates that you can sort by name and date of creation. In the right corner you will find the “Import” icon, which is used to import templates from the Registry or from a file into the FAIR Wizard environment.

In the “Editors” section you will find a list of uploaded document templates that can be edited/created again in the AV ČR FAIR Wizard testing instance. In the right corner you will find the “Create” icon, which is used to create a document template. For more information on editing and creating document templates, see Chapter 11.
7.1.4 Projects
In the “Projects” tab, you will see a list of projects that you can sort and search by different filters. Here you will find in the Data Steward role the possibility to filter the displayed projects by project type: “project only” or “template only” or both by clicking on the “Clear selection” icon.
The “Importers” and “Actions” tabs of the project are new tabs here. Using the project importers here, you can import additional projects from different instances of FAIR Wizard/Data Stewardship Wizard, or even from other applications.
7.2 Admin Center
In the Admin Center interface, under the “Dashboard” tab, you will find the “User Groups” tab. Users in the Data Steward role will have the ability to manage users in Institutional User Groups in addition to the ability to create a new group (also users in the Researcher role).
7.2.1 Managing Institutional User Groups
The selected User Groups administrator (“Owner”) will have the ability to add new members to the group (“Member”) and also remove them.
In the “Members” section you will find a list of all members of the institutional group. To add a member, start typing in the window titled “Add member “and confirm by clicking “Save”. To remove them, click on the icon with a red cross to the right of the user’s name and then click on “Save”. You can also change the role of group members to a higher (“Owner”) or lower (“Member”) role during the existence of the group.
7.3 Integration Hub
The Integration Hub is the interface for managing integrations. It offers the creation of integrations from values uploaded to the FAIR Wizard environment. These integrations are specific based on your request for customized changes and modifications to existing Knowledge Models. Data is uploaded using csv and displayed in the uploaded Knowledge models as a new integration field.
Currently, an export of author and project authorities from the ASEP database is uploaded to the CAS AV ČR FAIR Wizard instance and integrated into the new version of the Life Sciences Knowledge Model: CAS Life Sciences DSW Knowledge Model, and to all Custom Knowledge Models in the Administration – Contributor – Name & Project name section. This will be continuously updated.
If you are interested in a specific modification to existing Knowledge Models in the form of a new integration field in the questionnaire, please email us at dmp(at)
If you want to try to create a specific integration of a Knowledge Model by yourself, create it again in the testing instance of AV ČR FAIR Wizard, you can obtain a link to it by sending us email at dmp(at)
The basis for such integration should include:
- csv with separator (,);
- column names without hooks, commas and special characters;
- info on what information from the csv should be displayed in the Knowledge Model;
- which columns you want to search in the csv.
For more information on how to create integrations, visit this detailed manual.
8. Creating a project/DMP from the Knowledge Model
8.1 Choosing a questionnaire guide (Knowledge Model)
The Knowledge Model ( KM), i.e. the Questionnaire Guide, is the basic questionnaire structure that allows you to create your projects/DMPs in the FAIR Wizard. The tree-like structure of the KM contains the knowledge of what and how to ask in a questionnaire (form of questions, answers, project phases, FAIR metrics, etc.) The KM is the guide from which the initial project templates for the users of the AV ČR FAIR Wizard in the role of Researchers were created.
In addition, you can use both project templates or Knowledge Models in the Data Steward user role to create a project/DMP in AV ČR FAIR Wizard.
8.1.1. DMPs in Science Technology Math (STM) disciplines (Science Domain One and Science Domain Two)
For creating DMPs for STM domains, it is recommended to use the Life Sciences DSW Knowledge Model, which is a model adapted for complete data management in the life sciences domain. Another suitable model is the CAS Life Sciences DSW Knowledge Model, where a custom change has been made in the form of an answer (integration) compared to the classic Life Sciences DSW Knowledge Model in the Administration section – Contributor – Name section (I.1.a.1 Name). The field responses are automatically retrieved from the ASEP Author Database export.
Another suitable model is the Data management plan – based on J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS DMP. This is a less comprehensive version of the DMP based on the QnA provided by the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, available here in the documents section. This model is still under development.
To get oriented in data management and discover good practices in life sciences, we recommend the Research Data Management toolkit for Life Sciences developed by the scientific community around the ELIXIR project.
8.1.2 DMP in Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) disciplines (Third Science Area)
For the development of DMPs for HSS disciplines, we recommend using either the general model: Common DSW Knowledge Model, or the CSDA Vzor model developed by us.
CSDA model is uploaded in two language versions, Czech (AV ČR – CSDA Vzor) and English (CAS – CSDA template for SSH) version. It has been created according to the DMP template of the Czech Social Science Data Archive (CSDA), which is available for download on the CSDA website and on the basis of the “Manage Data during the Research Process” page. It is also possible to create Knowledge Models more specifically focused on one of the research areas (adding specific questions, omitting redundant questions for a given field, etc.). If you are interested in such modifications and more targeting, please contact Open Science support at KNAV at dmp(at)
To get oriented in data management and to discover good practices in the social sciences, we recommend the Data Management Expert Guide (DMEG) produced by the CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives) and ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium).
8.1.3 Choice of Question Tags relevant to specific project calls
Some project calls (EU Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, etc.) have published guidelines for the development of DMPs (DMP templates, etc.). The AV ČR FAIR Wizard instance supports the preparation of DMPs for these calls by, among other things, allowing only questions specifically relevant to the DMP of the call to be filtered in selected Knowledge Models. These Knowledge Models are:
Life Sciences DSW Knowledge Model, Common DSW Knowledge Model, CAS Life Sciences DSW Knowledge Model.
If you want to flag questions relevant to a specific challenge(s), select the appropriate set in the Question Tags section.
If you do not select a set, all questions will be displayed without filtering. The relevance of the questions to a particular DMP template will still be indicated in the Knowledge Model by displaying them with their respective labels at each question.
9. Creating a Knowledge Model
On the Editors tab, you can see a list of Knowledge Models where you can edit and create them.
We strongly recommend that you do not edit existing Knowledge Models or create new ones. Leave this task to us, the Academy of Sciences Library, where we will work with you to either customize an existing Knowledge Model or create a new one from scratch according to your requirements.
9.1. Data for the creation/modification of the Knowledge Model
When creating new or modified versions of the KM, it is important to keep in mind that the document ideally meets the requirements of your funders. To do this, we will need the following information from you:
- write the reason or purpose for creating/modifying the Knowledge Model
- describe which specific Knowledge Model you are referring to (existing or completely new), in case of modification of an existing model in some specific parts, please tell us e.g. which fields in the questionnaire are referred to, in the form of a screenshot of the screen, title or numbering – e.g. Life Sciences KM – Administration section – Contributor – Name (I.1.a.1 Name)
- have a well planned content of the KM and type of questions and answers
- if necessary also phases of the project pinpointed to each question according to necessity of for each phase, or FAIR metrics
- have a well planned format for the output of your document/DMP, the so-called Document Template, including the format (PDF, HTML, etc.).
For custom KMs or modified existing KMs, it is currently only possible to export the final project document/DMP as a Questionnaire Report, or Questionnaire Report AV fork in PDF Document, JSON Data, HTML Document, LaTeX Document, Markdown Document and MS Word Document formats.
If you want to try creating Knowledge Models by yourself, log in to the AV CR FAIR Wizard testing instance, to which you can request access at dmp(at)
Detailed instructions for creating Knowledge Models can be found in the link in the left Menu called “Detailed Instructions/User Guide“.
9.2. Importing a Knowledge Model
Knowledge Models(abbreviation KM) are published in the FAIR Wizard Registry, including Document Templates.
FAIR Wizard is also used by other institutions in the Czech Republic, e.g. at Masaryk University in Brno, Charles University in Prague, Mendel University and Brno University of Technology. KM from other instances can then also be imported into our instance AV ČR FAIR Wizard.
Importing KM can be done from the main page in the Data Management Planner or from the “List” tab of all Knowledge Models. They can be imported in two ways, from the FAIR Wizard Registry , or from a file.
10. Creating a project template
A project template is a partially completed DMP that should simplify the researchers’ creation of their DMP. It can be, for example, a department, laboratory or project DMP template that contains pre-filled repetitive data (grant number, investigator names, data storage location, etc.) that will typically be the same across multiple DMPs prepared by a given user group. A project template can be created from a DMP by users in the Data Steward role and higher.
To create a project template, first create a separate project/DMP. This can be created by selecting the appropriate Knowledge Model or other project template. In the project, fill in the data that you want to be repeated for other projects based on your project template. Then create a project template from this project by finding the “Settings” tab in the top bar and then, typing the mandatory project template name, description and clicking on the “Project Template” icon. Save your subsequent changes by clicking on “Save”.
The author of a project template can continue to edit and change the template after it has been published, however, changes will not be reflected in projects already created based on an older version of the project template.
The choice of document template type for the project template you create will depend on the default selection of the Knowledge Model or the parent Project Template from which you are currently creating a derived project template. For “custom” modified templates or “custom” Knowledge Models, you will only be able to choose types of default Document Template between Questionnaire Report or Questionnaire Report AV fork.
When setting up the option to share the project template (the “Share” icon in the upper right corner) with other users of the AV ČR FAIR Wizard (individual users and groups/User Groups), we strongly recommend that you modify the accessibility of other users so that they only have “View” rights. In this way they cannot modify the project template shared by you in any way unless that is your goal. At the same time, be careful not to accidentally delete your own “owner” rights to the project template. If this happens, it cannot be reversed and you will have to write to us at dmp(at) for further support.
If you want to share the project template completely publicly, set the accessibility of other users to “View” again, so that users cannot edit the template in any way.
10.1. Name and description of the project template
The title of the project template should be in the following form: ”acronym of your institute”, ”name” of, for example, the project or funded programme, followed by the project template designation ”project template”. This designation will serve to distinguish and clarify the list of all templates for the DMP, both the default Common and Life Sciences templates and the user-customized templates, the so-called “Custom Templates”.
11. Creating and editing document templates
The document template transforms the responses from the questionnaire into the final document. Document templates can also be imported into instance AV ČR FAIR Wizard from a file (ZIP) or the FAIR Wizard Registry. The document form can be PDF to machine processable JSON.
Creating new templates requires programming skills with the Python templating system Jinja2.
The Academy of Sciences Library is working on a customization of the “Questionnaire Report AV fork” document template, in which partial modifications can be implemented if more similar requests for changes emerge from your part. The amount of modifications we will be able to make for you is limited mainly by the enourmous time consumption.
If you would like to try editing and creating the template yourself, this is only possible in the AV ČR FAIR Wizard testing instance and you can request access to it at dmp(at)
The starting material for the preparation of this manual was the “Pokyny pro použití DSW MUNI pro přípravu DMP” prepared within the Fond rozvoje CESNET č. 674/2021 (Development Fund) – Deployment of DMP tool Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW) in the environment of Czech universities.