OP JAK: Methodological interpretation – Open Science
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT) has published a Methodological interpretation of the Rules for Applicants, clarifying the requirements related to Open Science.
This interpretation applies to the OP JAK calls Intersectoral Cooperation and Intersectoral Cooperation for ITI, and for the call Cutting-edge Research. For the call Social sciences and humanities: Humanity and mankind in the global challenges of today, the same information is already included directly in the Rules for Applicants, version 3 (pp. 19–22). (All these documents are in Czech.) For all these calls, the same requirements apply regarding Open Science and data management.
The Methodological interpretation clarifies, among others, the following points:
Publishing peer-reviewed scientific publications in a repository immediately after the date of publication:
- “Immediately after publication” means depositing the publication in a repository without undue delay, as soon as technically possible.
- “Date of publication” refers to the date of digital publication by the publisher.
Immediate open access to the deposited publication under the latest available version of the public Creative Commons Attribution International (CC BY 4.0) license:
- “Immediate access” means no embargo period.
- The condition of the latest available version of the CC BY 4.0 license ensures further reuse.
- If a publisher does not allow a CC BY license, a more restrictive license may be accepted in exceptional cases. However, this must be justified, and the recipient must still retain sufficient intellectual property rights.
Data Management Plan (DMP):
- The content of the DMP must correspond to the Horizon Europe template, covering seven key areas: 1. description and summary of data used or generated during the project; 2. ensuring FAIR data; 3. management of other research outputs (beyond data and publications); 4. resources allocation for data management; 5. data security during and after the project; 6. ethical and legal aspects of data management; 7. others.
- The DMP for OP JAK projects must cover each of these areas but does not need to explicitly answer every question if it is not relevant to the specific project. However, the applicant must justify any omissions in the DMP.
It is highly recommended to use the FAIR Wizard tool and select the “CAS Common DSW – Horizon Europe Filter” project template, which meets all these requirements. Alternatively, the pdf Horizon Europe DMP template, available in the National Library of Technology (NTK) repository, may also be used.
Depositing research data in a repository:
- The requirement to deposit research data in a trusted repository applies primarily to underlying data associated with a peer-reviewed publication, necessary to verify the results presented in the publication, or any other data related to additional (non-publication) research outputs, or data not related to any research outpus that might re-used. This does not mean that all data collected or created during the project must be deposited. Whether raw or processed data should be deposited depends on disciplinary practices, context, and the type of collected or created data.