Webinar: Practical experience of Open Science implementation at the university
When: 23 Jan 9:00-11:00
Where: online, in MS TEAMS
Language: Czech
The Association of University Professionals (APUA) is hosting an online webinar “Practical Experiences of Implementing Open Science at the University.” This is an independent and non-political professional association of professionals working in the university environment in the Czech Republic. The Association focuses on mutual cooperation of members, providing up-to-date information or exchange of experience.
The webinar will be an overview and practical with regard to the target group. It is intended primarily for university secretaries, science managers at universities, IT staff, as well as other interested parties. In the webinar you will hear for example about:
- Demonstrating the nature and size of the organisation for the context of OS implementation.
- MU’s Open Science strategy, data strategy, implementation action plans – lessons learned.
- Support structure – Open Science team (Core team, Methodologists Network, project consultation…)
More information about the content and registration for the webinar can be found here.
The webinar is intended primarily for university secretaries, science managers at universities, IT staff, but also for other interested parties.
Lecturers: Miroslav Bartošek, Jiří Marek, Marika Hrubá and Michal Růžička from Masaryk University
Price: 1000 CZK members, 2200 CZK other participants
At the request of the lecturers, a recording will be exceptionally offered. Slides and the recording will be made available to participants after the lecture.