Seminar and webinar: Výzkumné prostředí v ČR

When: 9 October 2024, 13:00 – 14:30

Where: enforum event space, Sokolovská 695, Prague 8-Karlín/ online

Within the Jan Amos Komenský Operational Programme, the call “Výzkumné prostředí” is now open. At Enovation’s seminar you will learn more about the application aspects in the field of strategic management and development of research organisations. In addition, the topics of gender equality, HR Award as well as building international and cross-sectoral cooperation and technology transfer will be on the agenda.

Attend the free seminar on the development of the research environment in the Czech Republic, which is especially targeted at representatives of research and knowledge dissemination organisations.

For more information and to register, visit this website here (CZE).