FDO Workshop – The EPOS Research Infrastructure
When: 7 April 2024 15.00 – 17.00
Where: Zoom link
FAIR Digital Objects Forum is hosting a workshop aimed at introducing the practical challenges and pitfalls that can be faced when you try to create integrated “Dataspaces”. Daniele Bailo and Jan Michalák from EPOS ERIC Research Infrastructure will share their experiences in building a pan-European infrastructure that, among other things, is working towards the creation of an integrated dataspace for earth science researchers.
The EPOS project is an excellent example to illustrate the challenges in improving data sharing and reuse within the system. This workshop is thus a very good opportunity to understand the practical challenges in building and insight into the research infrastructure under construction from an architectural perspective. It will also include a discussion on the achievements and future development perspectives.
A more detailed description of the planned workshop and information about the presenters can be found here.