Citizen Science Day

When: 9 April 2025, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Where: IT4Innovations, Studentská 6231/1b, 708 00 Ostrava 8

Language: This event is held in the Czech language.

On 9 April, the event “Day of Citizen Science” is organized in the premises of IT4Innovations at VŠB-TUO under EOSC CZ. The event traditionally celebrates the involvement of the general public in scientific research, where participants contribute to scientific research by, for example, collecting data, observing nature or analysing information.

The event will include interactive workshops, using simple online tools or mobile apps to collect and send data directly, creating a sensor to measure air quality and much more.

If you would like to find out more information about the event, leave them your email here on the website.