OPERAS – launch European Diamond Capacity Hub

When: 14.-15. 1. 2025

Where: MUNCYT, Madrid, Spain

Registration deadline: 12.12.2024!

The European Diamond Capacity Hub (EDCH) and the ALMASI EU-funded Project are excited to announce their official launch with a dedicated event. During the event, participants will learn about the core features of the EDCH, including key opportunities for active involvement and collaboration. Additionally, the ALMASI project’s role in advancing the global Diamond Open Access (OA) landscape will be highlighted, along with its essential components.

At the event are welcome decision makers, academic publishers, editors, service providers, librarians, research community and everyone interested in the discussion and developments around Diamond Open Access. Diamond Open Access is a term for a situation where neither readers nor authors are charged for access or publication – the publishing process is financed in a different way. If you want to learn more about Diamond Open Access, visit our website.

Link to the event with more detailed program can be found here.


This is an in-person event, with the introductory sessions of each day live-streamed on YouTube. Participants can register for both days or choose to attend either the ALMASI public launch or the EDCH launch. Registration is open until 12 December 2024, and attendance is free of charge.